Roses & Romance
Pollard's Florist
Pollard's Florist
Nothing screams "romance" like roses. Pollard's Florist of Newport News carries the most impressive selection of same-day delivery roses – in any color and quantity.
Say, "I love you" with the flower of romance - roses. Pollard's Florist of Newport News carries a colorful collection of romance's favorite flower. Here at Pollard's Florist, we know that roses speak volumes. Though they grow in many different colors, and each flower variety has its own meaning, here are just a few: Red roses convey deep passion, pink roses represent gentle admiration, and white roses personify purity and charm. Send a message with a monochromatic flower bouquet or arrangement of roses. Or, get creative! Choose a combination of colors based on our wide selection. And while you're at it, attach chocolates and a personalized note to your roses delivery. Trust Pollard's Florist to send same-day delivery roses to your favorite person.